what do cats eat for breakfast

What do cats eat for breakfast?

Asking “what do cats eat for breakfast?” seems like the start of one of the funny jokes you have heard before, and it is (the answer is: Mice Krispies!).

But dad jokes aside, it is an essential question for cat owners that sincerely care for their pet cats. It highlights the topics about how many times you can feed your cat, how much food to feed them, the kind they should eat, and the unfit foods that you should avoid giving.

what do cats eat for breakfast

Funny jokes aside: how many times should you let your cat eat in a day?

The point is, you do not comment, say a joke, make fun, and laugh about these creatures and their eating habits.

Knowing what kittens or cats eat for breakfast will guide you on how many times you should give meals to your kitten or cat throughout any given day. It will also aid in building a regular eating habit and healthy diet that your cat will follow.

While your pet cat is not very likely to learn how to sit upon command like a dog, felines are still creatures of habit who like to adhere to a daily regimen imposed by you. They will quickly stick to the regular feeding schedule like a fly to flypaper. They will be a welcome development for you since it will make its feeding time easy.

A cat likes to take its meals two times a day and twelve hours apart: once in the morning and once at night. This is enough time for their digestive system to process the food they have eaten.

Kittens eat more, so adjust their feeding time to three times a day—much like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Once they reach six months, you can give them the same food as adult cats.

Mealtimes become the foundation of daily events where other activities can be included. A regular eating routine will assist felines in coping with new happenings in the home, like the arrival of an infant, a stranger house-sitting, etc.

A regular feeding schedule is an excellent way to introduce new foods to your cat. When they become accustomed to getting their chow at the particular times set by you, their body will expect food at those times and will consume anything you put in their feeding bowl.

Your cat’s diet will need foods with many nutrients, and you can include different treats during the day.

Skipping breakfast

Your cat’s eating schedule will depend on your routine and free time. If you prefer to feed at the same time as you eat, then go ahead—as long as it fits the twelve-hour rule because their stomach tends to be acidic and needs to eat at those times.

Kittens eating breakfast

A kitten is still growing and tends to be a voracious eater. They can have the same food as older cats, but their meal should be wet food, meaning it must have a soft consistency.

Kittens do not have fully capable choppers and will have a difficult time chewing any harder food big cats can consume. Any food you put into the feeding bowl of a kitten should be crushed and made soft so that they can chew it.

Human food that your cat can eat

Cats are carnivorous, which means they like to consume meat, especially at breakfast time when they are fresh from sleep. There are various breakfast meats your cat can consume, but they should be given as an occasional treat only.

You no longer need to wonder, “can cats eat turkey?” or “can cats eat bacon?” The answer is yes! As long as you give it in moderation.

Too many meaty treats can induce obesity in your pet cat and make them gain weight. Also, not all foods that people consume can be eaten by felines since their digestive systems are different from ours.

What do cats eat for breakfast besides cat food?

What do cats eat for breakfast? The answer depends; their eating habits vary from ours.

For the regular guy or gal, as well as kitties, breakfast is the first meal and the most important meal of the day. Your feline friend should consume a meal packed with the necessary nourishment.

Here are some human food types your cat can eat for breakfast.

Meat and eggs

Breakfast is a meal filled with meaty goodness, and since felines are carnivores, this makes it their favorite time of the day. With meat comes protein, which they need in their bodies.

It is a wrong thing to say that cats only eat raw meat. Anything uncooked, be it eggs or meat, have harmful bacteria that can cause harm if consumed by felines and humans.

If you like to feed eggs or meat to your pet, be sure it is cooked and preferably unseasoned.


A carnivorous feline will enjoy veggie cat snacks once in a while, and the best preparation is steaming it. It is a great source of fiber, water content, and other essential nourishment they need.

The fiber in vegetables will aid in your cat’s bowel movement and manage their cravings.


Due to the body makeup of cats, they are not able to value the sweet flavor of food; thus, making fruits a valuable item for snacking.

Fruits have lots of essential nutrition cats need and are eaten as an occasional treat. You can slice tidbits to its regular cat food to give more texture.

Dairy products

Milk and dairy products can be fed to your pet cat, but only in strict moderation.

Like people, some cats are lactose intolerant, so if you want your cat to consume any dairy product, give them small amounts, then observe it. If they have digestive problems as a result, then do not give them any from then on.


Grains have nutrients that your cat needs. The best ones are either couscous or millet, which have a finer texture, which tastes excellent for the cat’s palate.

Be sure you feed them cooked, not raw, since it will have a bad effect on their stomach. You can also let it ingest tidbits of bread, rice, or oats as part of its daily diet.


The best fish that felines can eat are tuna, mackerel, or salmon, which are rich in omega-three fatty acids that can strengthen their immune system. Be sure to cook the fish well, preferably without seasoning, before feeding it to your pet cat.

Foods that are harmful to felines

These are food types that people can eat and can be found in a kitchen cupboard or refrigerator that are not at all healthy or allowed for cats. Many of which some pet owners end up feeding to their pet cats without knowing any better.

Avoid feeding these foods to your cat

  • Fruit seeds
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Grapes and raisins
  • Raw meat
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Gluten products
  • Artificial sweeteners (xylitol)
  • Bread dough (yeast)
  • Garlic and onion
  • Corn substitutes

FAQ or frequently asked questions about what do cats eat for breakfast, lunch, or dinner

Pay attention to the questions listed below for more information on breakfast for felines and other feeding tips.

My cat does not finish its food at once and prefers to forage. What can I do?

Some felines know how to control their intake of food well and may not need food when the twelve-hour mark arrives.

Do continue to provide their meals when feeding time arrives and offer the uneaten food throughout the day. The important thing is that they get to consume their food to get the nourishment they need.

What can my cat eat when dinnertime arrives?

Felines do not have a food preference when morning, noon, and nighttime mealtimes arrive. However, it is recommended that cats are fed lighter fare later in the day.

Can cats eat dog food?

This question may sound like a joke, but cats can actually eat small portions of what dogs can eat. But felines have particular dietary needs, which are separate from canines, so prepare the foods of both pets separately.


Felines are very good at giving humans a laugh and offering comfort when needed. That’s why a lot of pet owners love their cats and would like only the best for their diets.

Luckily, felines are not picky eaters, and there are many foods they can consume that won’t have untoward effects on them. Create a menu for your cat that has all the necessary nutrients. This way, you will know what to get them ahead of time.

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