Chickens are usually able to eat varieties of foods.
They typically feed on anything that seems remotely edible in the house.
Have you ever thought about giving your birds some tomatoes?

Here, we discuss the basics and get your questions answered.
Is tomato an ideal option for chickens? Let’s find out!
What are the essential things to note?
Chickens are open to varieties of ingredients.
It is because they are not considered selective or picky.
So, birds feed on grains, oats, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.
Some chicken owners also give their pet worms as treats. They are used to supplement the main diet.
Your chicken’s primary diet should supply most or all of its nutritional requirements.
Treats or snacks would then provide variety and serve to create a balance.
As a chicken owner, it is natural to be concerned about what to feed.
Chickens are intelligent birds and deserve to be fed right.

You may wonder about types of ingredients to avoid and those to supply to your pet.
We will talk about this and more below.
Are tomatoes ideal for chickens?
Tomato is a nightshade plant. We do not recommend plants that belong to this family for chickens.
It is because they contain solanine, a toxic substance.
The leaves of these plants also contain solanine, and this substance is present in green potato peels too.
Avoid feeding your bird with tomatoes, especially the green ones.
Eggplants, too, are not recommended for your bird.
These plants are toxic and can cause harm to your chicken. So, avoid feeding it to them.

However, there are reports that you can feed well-cooked nightshade plants safely to your birds.
What ingredients should you avoid feeding your chicken?
Eggplants and tomatoes are other members of the nightshade family.
However, there are other ingredients/foods you shouldn’t give to your pet.
Salty foods are known to be harmful to humans. They also cause harm to other animals as well as chickens.
There are dangerous side effects of salt poisoning that include salt toxicity, sodium-ion intoxication, and water deprivation.

Your chicken is small-sized, and birds often react to high salt content terribly.
Your bird’s water should not contain more than 0.25% of salt in it.
Any more than this can cause harm to your pet. Your chicken might not get enough water to drink.
However, a limited quantity of water will only make it easier for it to experience salt poisoning.
Chickens have a high level of sensitivity for citrus fruits. These birds often react to vitamin C rich content.
However, not all chickens respond this way. There are beliefs that there is a connection between vitamin C and citric acid.
Some researchers believe that the combination of these two cause feather plucking.
Onions are not a good option for your pet. These bulbs contain thiosulphate, which is harmful to your bird.
What this substance does is destroy your pet’s red blood cells.
So, onions can be given to chickens but only once in a while.
It should be in minimal quantities too.

Feeding your bird with excess onions can cause anemia, jaundice, or result in death.
So, be cautious of the way you handle onions around your birds.
Avoid feeding your bird with undercooked or dried beans.
These types of beans naturally contain a substance called hemagglutinin.
It is quite toxic to birds. However, your chickens can be fed with properly cooked beans.
The process of cooking renders hemagglutinin non-toxic to your chicken.
It is not advisable to feed your pet with dry rice.
Dry rice can work up or harm your chicken’s gut and its digestive system.
After taking it in, this grain usually swells up when it comes in contact with liquid.
Chickens are known to survive on varieties of fruits, vegetables, and plants.
However, now you know better than to feed your chicken with tomatoes.
Avoid feeding your bird plant parts from the nightshade family too.
These, along with salty foods, onions, and dry rice, are harmful to your pet.
Also, do not feed citrus fruits and ingredients with high amounts of vitamin C.
Would you give your chicken some tomatoes?
Are there other ingredients you wouldn’t give to your bird?
Is there anything we might have missed?
Tell us, use the comment box below!