If you’re looking for a lifetime buddy as a pet. Then turtles can be a great option.
Because they’re relatively friendly and easy to care for to other animals.
Then who wouldn’t like to have turtles as a pet?
You can’t have every turtle as a pet because some need permits.
Here are 5 best pet turtles:
Red-Eared Slider/Cumberland Slider/Pond Slider
It’s one of the most common pet turtles. They’re pretty friendly and love to swim.
These turtles are omnivores. They enjoy chilling at dry-warm places under the heat light.
These animals’ life is 20 to 30 years.
Eastern Box Turtle
They’re, also referred to as land turtles, small and amazingly colored animals.
These animals are also omnivores and like brightly colored eats like carrot, bell peppers, etc.
They love making holes and sunny areas to chill.
These turtles live 80 to 90 years.
Painted Turtle
Painted turtles are small, and their upper shell is dark.
Their legs have yellow lines, and their heads have unusual spots.
These animals eat almost everything.
These turtles have no teeth. However, they’ve spiked plates to chew and strong jaws to grab.
Like other turtles, these animals also love swimming and dry areas for chilling.
They live 25 to 30 years.
False Map Turtle
They’re omnivores, also recognized as Sawback turtles.
Their upper shell is olive, tan, and black with unusual dark spots and yellow lines all over it.
Yellow lines form a kind of map around the upper cover.
That’s why they’re named Map Turtles.
These turtles usually like to rest while submerged underwater.
Their lifespan runs 35 years or longer.
African Sideneck Turtle
These turtles, also known as African mud turtle, place their head sideways to the upper shell instead of inside.
That’s why their name is Sideneck turtles.
These animals are omnivores and live 20 years or longer.
Turtles’ home
Turtles love swimming and dry-warm areas to chill in their place. For indoor habitats, complete the sunlight need by installing UAB light.
It gives Vitamin D3 and stays turtles healthy.
For outdoor homes, cover the place with metal mesh to protect them from other animals.
Change the habitat size according to the turtles’ size from time to time.
You should keep clean the water by installing a filter or changing regularly.
Just build turtles’ places according to their personal needs.
Turtles’ diet
Nearly all the turtles are omnivores. So, you can give them chopped veggies and fresh meat.
Meat carries proteins that are good for turtles, but extra is harmful.
Fatty food like bacon or stakes is negative for turtles.
It’s a good idea to buy canned turtle food or freeze-dried mealworms.
Quick warning about handling turtles
Turtles carry salmonella bacteria that can make you sick.
So if you touch them or any part of their home by mistake, please wash your hands properly.
Bottom Line
Turtles live longer, so to have them as a pet is a big responsibility.
They don’t want any special treatment, just a little care.
These animals’ home is as simple as their habits and nature.
If you look after them properly, they would be lifetime pal of yours.