can hamsters eat corn

Can hamsters eat corn?

For pet owners that have either a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a hamster, or others animals, one of the main concerns is the kind of food to feed them. The main question is: are human foods alright for them? For instance, can hamsters eat corn?

The short answer is: Yes, there are many foods that both pets and their owners can eat together. However, corn has a different effect on each animal.

Can your cat eat a particular vegetable, nuts, or a type of nut—like pistachios, peanuts, or macadamia nuts? Or are cats allowed to eat grains and crops?

Does your dog have the stomach to eat chocolates, bread dough, milk, or seeds? Or do bunnies only eat specific foods like vegetables and low-fat grubs? Also, can rabbits eat carrots?

What about hamsters: can they eat nuts, and do they also have other diet preferences besides corn? Can hamsters eat potatoes?

Does eating corn and other human foods have side effects on our beloved animals?

can hamsters eat corn

All about corn

Humans can enjoy corn in a different way each time: corn on the cob spread with butter, popcorn, cornmeal, and the list goes on. For many cultures, it is a staple crop.

Corn is a cereal grain that was converted into domestic use by the indigenous people of Mexico ten thousand years ago.

The plant stalk produces ears that bear seeds or kernels, which are their fruits.

Its production exceeds the amount produced for rice and wheat. It is also a source of animal feed, corn ethanol, and other by-products like corn syrup or corn starch.

It has become the most widely grown crop in the whole world, and in 2014 the worldwide production reached more than one billion tonnes. Indeed, it has been a staple for human beings, dogs, cats, and other animals alike.

Corn’s nutritional menu

Corn has 177 calories, including:

  • Fiber- 4.6 grams
  • Protein- 5.4 grams
  • Carbohydrates- 41 grams
  • Fat- 2.1 grams
  • Potassium- 348 milligrams
  • Vitamin C- 10.2 milligrams
  • Vit. K- 0.7 one-millionth gram
  • Vit. B1- 4 milligrams
  • Vit. B9- 75.4 one-millionth gram

Human foods that hamsters and humans can eat

Can hamsters eat corn?

Hamsters love eating corn. It is often included in hamster pet food mixes. You will notice that hamsters will pick the corn seeds or kernels out from the other foodstuff and eagerly devour them first.

However, some breeds like dwarf hamsters tend to be diabetic and obese, thus making corn a health risk, especially in large amounts.

As mentioned above, corn is a rich source of vitamin B, magnesium, manganese, and fiber. It is also acidic, which leads to stomach problems if eaten too much.

Top-quality commercial hamster food mixes have corn as the main ingredient. However, when you look at its daily portions, you will only see a few kernels, so what gives?

While corn is regarded as a healthy food for your hamster, too much of it is detrimental to its health.

How frequently should a hamster eat corn?

Baby hamsters should not be fed corn yet, while adult hamsters’ daily rations should be one teaspoonful of corn seeds or kernels or one ear of baby corn.

That amount would most likely be in the hamster mix you are feeding daily, so you won’t have to measure anymore.

A typical hamster’s ideal diet

Hamsters are omnivores, which means they consume both vegetable and animal substances, like cottage cheese. Your pet Hammie’s best diet should resemble what it eats in the wild: fresh veggies and protein sources, like insects and mealworms.

They can also eat nuts, but it largely depends on the kind of nuts you are planning to feed them. Walnuts, for example, are nutritious snacks for hamsters, while other types of nuts are not as recommended to specific types of hamsters.

Hamsters are hoarders by nature, and Mother Nature has made them special cheek pouches to store whatever foodstuff they can find so that they can eat them later.

Do not feet it muesli food mix made up of dry cereals and fruits. Your hamster will eat the portions with sugar content and leave the ones with fiber uneaten. Your hamster will get fat from it and cause issues with their choppers, which they need for gnawing.

The best foods for hamsters that are common in the United States

Hamsters can eat these for perfectly safe health benefits:

  • Hamster pellets bought in pet stores
  • Tiny portions of other fruits, herbs, and vegetables
  • Timothy hay, which is a special kind of fibrous hay that’s good for your hamster
  • Periodic treats like pineapple tidbits, peanuts, other types of nuts, cheese, or a piece of a boiled egg.
  • Your furry friend should always have access to fresh water at all times, preferably in a small container with a spout.

Here are other foods that hamsters can eat as occasional treats:

  • Peaches
  • Tomatoes
  • Celery
  • Parsnip
  • Peas
  • Pumpkin, sunflower seeds
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Cooked and unseasoned chicken

Here are some foods not to feed your hamster:

  • Onions and garlic
  • Raw beans or potatoes (french fries, etc.)
  • Eggplant
  • Apple seeds
  • Almonds
  • Chocolate
  • Citrus fruits

Human foods that humans and cats eat

Cats and cat owners have many things in common, besides relaxing on the sofa and being their cat-like selves. Cats eat, sometimes, the same set of foods that they can share with their cat owners that would not wreak havoc on their digestive system if given the right amount.

While cats eat and enjoy these foods, they are meant to be given as occasional treats only and not as everyday cat food. These are only fed to your cat in small amounts, or else your cat might suffer the consequences.

For instance, cats can safely digest cashew nuts in small amounts, but it can cause pancreatitis if too much is given. If you observe something unusual or worrisome about your cat after feeding it something new, contact your vet immediately and have your cat checked.


Cats eat corn, but—while it is alright for felines or cats to do so—it is still not a healthy alternative. Feeding corn to your cats should be done in small quantities only.

It is a well-known fact that corn is used as a filler ingredient for manufacturers of cat food and cat treats. And its content is enough to provide the necessary dietary fiber for your pet cat, which aids in their bowel movements.

It has protein and is low on fats but lacks amino acids, which are essential to the health of cats.

In the long run, corn does not offer substantive nutrition to your kitty or cat and only serves as a filler to the stomach of your cat.

Here are some other foods that felines or cats can eat:

  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Cheese
  • Bananas
  • Berries
  • Rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Eggs
  • Low-fat meals

Big no-nos to your cat

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Bread dough (yeast)
  • Raisins and grapes
  • Nuts and nut types (macadamia nuts, peanuts, pistachios, etc.)
  • Garlic and onion
  • Xylitol

Foods that humans and dogs can eat

Dogs are man’s best friends, and being that close to humans, their owners tend to give them human foods.

Dogs and people are alike in many ways, but one thing that’s vastly different from each other is their respective digestive systems. It means there are other types of chow that dogs can eat, and there are others that they cannot and might be considered toxic and even cause choking or prompt an emergency visit to the vet.

Here are a few types of grub that both a dog and its owner, in a way, can share:


When warm weather comes, you might find it a good idea to grill and barbecue outdoors, and one of the best foods for grilling is corn. Your dogs will smell its buttery goodness and will want a bite.

But the question is, is corn safe for dogs to eat?

Like cats, it is quite safe for dogs to eat this low-fat snack in small amounts. It is already established above of its nutrients that are also beneficial for them.

It is also included as an ingredient in top chows for dogs because of its low cost. And many veterinarians agree that it is a healthy part of a dog’s diet.

However, you have to be sure first that your dog is not allergic to corn before feeding it to him.

Some types of grub, like the infamous chocolate, can cause an increased heart rate for dogs, which can be fatal.

Here are some other foods that dogs can eat:

  • Carrots
  • Dairy products
  • Peanut butter
  • Chicken or turkey meat
  • Cucumber
  • Watermelon
  • Green beans

Avoid feeding these to your dog:

  • Avocado
  • Caffeinated products
  • Cinnamon
  • Coconut products
  • Nuts
  • Ice cream
  • Salty foods
  • Citrus fruits
  • Raw meat
  • Grapes and raisins
  • Chives, garlic, onion
  • Uncooked eggs and egg shells

Foods that rabbits and humans can eat

If you have a pet rabbit, you know how greedy it can be when it comes to eating. It especially likes snacking on fruits and vegetables that people eat, aside from staples of hay and water.


While it is alright for hamsters, dogs, and cats to eat corn, many experts agree that corn should not be fed to bunnies.

Despite being low on fats, the kernels of corn have polysaccharides, which are a type of carbohydrates that the stomach of a bunny can’t digest, unlike with dogs, cats, and hamsters. So if you give it to your rabbit in large amounts, it might even kill it.

Corn kernels are bad for your rabbit. Eating it will create wounds and obstruction in their intestines and cause digestion issues.

Also, corn has a large quantity of starch and sugar, which do not meet their standards for healthy rabbit food.

There are other healthier meals besides corn that you can add to your pet rabbit’s diet.

Here are some other foods that rabbits can eat:

  • Romaine lettuce
  • Cilantro
  • Pineapple
  • Kale
  • Bell peppers

Avoid feeding this to your rabbit:

  • Cookies, crackers, bread
  • Avocado
  • Hamster food
  • Walnuts
  • Cereal
  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Yogurt drops
  • Silverbeet
  • Oatmeal
  • Nuts or peanut butter
  • Chocolate

Conclusion: can hamsters eat corn? Yes but you need to be careful

Learn what is best for our hamsters, dogs, cats, and bunnies.

After all, they are members of our families and should be treated as such. Give them the right food that best suits them, so you can enjoy their company for years to come.

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