Most hamsters enjoy eating apples, but the question remains… are apples a wise choice for hamsters?
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The quick answer is yes, but in moderate amounts.
As you probably already know, a domesticated hamster requires a well-balanced diet made up of healthy food, apples being one in a lengthy list.
In the following article, we will explore the above question in-depth and provide insight into making the best dietary choices for your beloved pet.
Are Apples Good for Hamsters?
Hamsters like fruit such as
· Pears
· Bananas
· Apples and
· Mangoes
While hamsters will eat all kinds of fruits, the apple is a clear favorite as you will see when you put it down and they munch it up.
They will only pay the other fruit attention to if the hamster is still hungry.
But pet owners must only feed small pieces of fruit and in reasonable amounts so that the hamster can easily digest it.
Should you feed your pet too much fruit; it can cause diseases like diarrhea, diabetes, and further illnesses.
It is also important to make sure that your hamster drinks water and a lot of it to prevent them becoming dehydrated.
Dwarf hamsters cannot eat:
· Bananas
· Apples and
· Corn.
This is because they can get diabetes in this species.
What’s So Good About Apples Anyway?
Apples are favored by fit and health-aware individuals because:
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Phytonutrients and antioxidants
are found in apples which have been proven to essential for general health, development and optimum growth· Apples only contain a few calories
· The dietary fiber found in apples stops the body from absorbing toxic substances
· Vitamin C and beta-carotene can be found in high enough quantities in apples that they can raise the body’s immunity against disease and get toxic materials out of the body.
· Apples have sources of B-complex vitamins. These vitamins are essential for metabolic activities besides carrying out added synthesis activities within the body.
· Apples contain small quantities of minerals such as Potassium, Calcium and Phosphorous. These minerals are useful in regulating heart rate and blood pressure.
What is the best way to keep Apples?
Apples do well when stored in humid conditions between temperatures of thirty to thirty-five degree Fahrenheit.
If apples are being stored in a refrigerator then they need to be in the crisper drawer with a damp paper towel over them.
Apple types such as Melrose, Granny Smith, and Fuji keep longer if kept and regulated correctly.
Storage is important because if you feed your beloved hamster a rotten apple, it can cause food poisoning that could cause an untimely death.
Should you wish to introduce an extra food into your pet’s diet, it would be wise to talk to an animal dietitian prior.
What Else Can Hamsters Eat?
If your hamster shows an uncommon distaste towards apples, then it should be replaced immediately as it is probably rotten or infected with bacteria.
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As an alternative, try additional vegetables or fruit.
Hamsters are also partial to boiled chicken or fish in small quantities.
However, meals with a lot of spices are not suitable.
Which Foods Can’t Hamsters Eat?
As seen earlier, not all foodstuffs are safe or clean for your adorable pet.
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You must always be mindful about the choice of food for your hamster.
Overripe or juicy fruits and vegetables can cause diarrhea.
Every time make sure the fruit is at optimal ripeness as hamsters do not enjoy raw fruit.
Raw fruit contains high levels of citric or tartaric acids.
The following foods should be avoided:
· Foods with high levels of fat and sugar are high in calories which can lead to obesity
· Sticky food to your pet
· Foods with sharp edges must be avoided as they can lead to injuries or blockages in the cheek pouches of your hamster.
Certain foods can cause sudden death and illness because of their poisonous makeup.
Therefore, one must never serve the following to their hamster:
· Tomato Leaves
· Salt, Sugar or Spices
· Rhubarb
· Raw beans
· Parsley
· Garlic and onion
· Mushrooms
· Lettuce
· Fast foods
· Citrus Fruits
· Chocolate or candy
· Cabbage
· Breakfast Cereals
· Asparagus
· Apple seeds
· Almonds
In conclusion, apples are a significant food item to introduce into your hamster’s diet (and yours) provided you pay attention to ripeness, storage and portion.
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You must also pay attention to the foods that must be avoided at all costs and as always if you have a query or concern consult your local veterinarian or animal dietitian.